Admission and withdrawal

  • The Management reserves to itself the right to admit or refuse children seeking admission to the school. Similarly, the management decides when the question of retaining a student in the school arises.
  • Applications for registration and admission are considered only at specified times.
  • Pupils seeking admission may be tested on the syllabus on the stand below the one to which they seek admission.
  • No application for admission will be considered unless accompanied by the latest progress report from the school last attended.
  • Admission will be strictly on the availability of seats.
  • A clear calendar month’s notice for withdrawal from school must be given in writing by the parents/guardian. If a child is withdrawn without notice as prescribed, one month’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice along with the full term fees. Such notice must not include any part of holidays. No allowance will be made for broken periods.
  • No transfer certificate is issued until all sums due to the school are paid. Application for TC should be signed by the parent or guardian and should contain the following information:-
    • Name of the student
    • Class and section
    • Place of new admission or they can apply for TC on the Performa available at the office.
    • Full year’s fees will be charged in case of admission in middle of the term.
    • Full year’s fees will be charged in case of withdrawal in the middle of the term.